第一段:问题描述。引入话题时要用背景信息,通常以开放性问题或数据开头,例如:'In recent years, the issue of environmental pollutionhas become increasingly severe.' 然后,描述问题的具体表现,如空气污染、废水排放等。
第二段:分析原因。在这一段中,可列举问题出现的原因,例如:工业化发展、人类生活习惯等。可以用过渡词(e.g., 'Moreover', 'Furthermore')使段落流畅。
第三段:提出解决方案。这是作文的核心段落,需结合实际给出建议,如政府应该加强政策监管,人们需要增强环保意识等。建议使用短句强调重点,例如:'The governmentmust enforce strict environmental laws.'
结尾段:总结并展望未来。例如:'Only through collective efforts can we create acleaner, healthier environment for future generations.'
第一段:开头。在开头,通常以一个引人入胜的句子开场,例如:'Education isthe key tosuccess, but what defines effectiveeducation?' 这能激发读者思考。紧接着,陈述主题句,明确文章中心思想。
第二段至倒数第二段:主体论证。每一段一个论点,并附加具体例子支持。例如:'First, educationpromotes individual growthby developing essentialskills such as criticalthinking.'
结尾段:总结文章并提供展望。例如:'In conclusion,effective education isnot just about academicachievement but alsothe development ofholistic abilities,ensuring students becomeresponsible global citizens.'
第一段:引入逻辑连接词的重要性。例如:'Logical connectors play a crucial role in structuring a coherent argument. Without them,essays can appear fragmented and unclear.'
第二段:常见逻辑连接词及其用途。可以分类说明,例如:'For addition: Moreover, Furthermore; For contrast: However, On the other hand.'
第三段:实际运用。在具体写作场景中,展示如何使用连接词:'For example, when presenting a new idea, one could say, Furthermore, this approach has proven to be cost-effective.'
结尾段:总结并建议。例如:'Bymastering the use of logical connectors, students can significantly improve the overall quality of their essays.'
第一段:引入观点。例如:'Inmyopinion, teamworkis more important than individual effort in achievingsuccess.'
第二段:论点支持。通过数据、实例等支持自己的观点,例如:'Studies have shown that teams with diverseskills outperform individuals by20% in problem-solving tasks.'
第三段:反驳对立观点。显示全面思考,例如:'Although some may argue that individual effortis critical, it cannot replace the synergycreated by effective teamwork.'
结尾段:总结观点。例如:'Thus, teamwork is not just a choice buta necessity in our increasingly interconnected world.'
第一段:引入故事背景。用描述性语言设置场景,例如:'It was a sunnymorning when I decided to embarkon the most challengingjourney of mylife.'
第二段:描述主要事件。叙述发生的具体情节,使用时间顺序及生动描写,例如:'As Iclimbed the steephill, I couldfeel the cool breezeagainst my face.'
第三段:转折与高潮。制造故事的悬念或冲突,例如:'Suddenly, dark cloudsloomed over, and Irealized I hadlost my way.'
结尾段:故事总结与感悟。例如:'Looking back, the journeytaught me that perseverance and optimismare the keys to overcoming challenges.'