Weather Forecast: 天气预报的基本英语表达方式
天气预报(Weather Forecast)是我们日常生活中不可或缺的重要信息。掌握天气预报的英语表达,不仅能帮助我们更好地理解英语新闻和气象信息,还能在与外国友人交流时自如地谈论天气话题。
1.晴天 - sunny/clear
2. 多云 - cloudy
3. 阴天 - overcast
4. 下雨 - rainy/rain
5. 下雪 - snowy/snow
- Thetemperature will reach/drop to... (温度将达到/降至...)
- There is a chance of rain/snow... (有可能下雨/雪...)
- The humidity level is... (湿度为...)
Accordingto the weather forecast, it will be sunny withoccasional clouds tomorrow, with temperaturesranging from 20 to 25 degreesCelsius. There's a 30% chanceof rain in the afternoon. (根据天气预报,明天晴天间多云,气温在20至25摄氏度之间。下午有30%的降雨概率。)
Howto Write a Weather Report:英语天气预报的写作技巧
1. 总体天气状况(- Clear skies with scattered clouds (晴空万里,偶有零星云朵)
- Partly cloudy with sunny intervals (晴间多云)
2. 温度信息(Temperature Information):
- High/Maximum temperature: 最高温度
- Low/Minimum temperature:最低温度
- Temperature range: 温度范围
3. 降水概率(Precipitation Probability):
- Chance of rain/snow: 降雨/降雪概率
4. 风力情况(Wind Conditions):
- Wind direction: 风向
- Wind speed: 风速
WeatherForecast for Beijing, October 15th:
Morning: Partly cloudywith temperatures starting at 15°C. Lighteasterly winds at 10-15 km/h.
Afternoon: Mostlysunny, warming up to 23°C.20% chance of light showers.
Evening: Clear skies,cooling down to 18°C. Gentle breeze from the northeast.
WeatherVocabulary: 天气预报常用英语词汇详解
1. 天气现象(Weather Phenomena):
- Thunderstorm 雷暴
- Lightning闪电
-Fog 雾
- Mist 薄雾
- Drizzle 毛毛雨
2. 温度相关(Temperature Related):
- Scorching hot 酷热
- Mild 温和
- Chilly寒冷
-Freezing 冰冻
3. 风力等级(Wind Scale):
- Breeze 微风
-Gale 大风
- Hurricane 飓风
4. 天气预报常用短语:
- Weatheroutlook 天气展望
- Weather conditions 天气状况
- Weather pattern天气模式
The weather outlook for the comingweek shows a stable weather pattern with mild temperatures and occasional breeze. However, there might be scattered thunderstorms onWednesday afternoon. (未来一周天气展望显示天气模式稳定,温度适中,偶有微风。但周三下午可能出现零星雷暴。)
Weather Report Translation: 中英天气预报互译技巧
中文: 今明两天
英文: Today and tomorrow
2. 温度表达:
中文: 气温15至20度
英文:Temperatures ranging from 15 to 20degrees
3. 天气状况描述:
中文: 晴转多云
英文: Clear skies turning cloudy
4. 常见翻译对照:
- 阵雨 Shower
- 大到暴雨 Heavy rain to rainstorm
- 冷空气 Cold front
- 高温 High temperature
From tomorrow daytime to night, the city will be cloudyturning to overcast with occasionalshowers. The temperature will range from18 to 25 degrees Celsius,with southeast winds at force 3.
ProfessionalWeather Terms: 专业英语天气用语解析
1. 气压系统(Pressure Systems):
- High pressure system高气压系统
- Low pressure system 低气压系统
-Front 锋面
2. 气象现象(Meteorological Phenomena):
- Precipitation 降水
- Humidity湿度
-Visibility 能见度
3. 天气预警(Weather Warnings):
- Severe weather warning 恶劣天气警告
- Storm alert 暴风警报
- Weatheradvisory 天气公告
4. 专业表达方式:
- Ahigh pressure system is building... (高气压系统正在形成...)
- The cold front will move eastward... (冷锋将向东移动...)
-Visibility will be reduced to... (能见度将降低至...)
A strong high pressure system is currentlybuilding over the eastern region, bringing stableweather conditions with clear skies and lightwinds. However, a cold front approachingfrom the northwest may bring scattered showers by the weekend. (一个强大的高气压系统目前正在东部地区形成,带来晴朗天气和微风。但是,一股从西北方向。)