1. 字母认知 (Alphabet Recognition)包括26个大小写字母的认读和书写。例如:Aa /eɪ/,Bb /biː/, Cc /siː/等。学生需要能够正确辨识和书写这些字母。
2. 基础词汇 (Basic Vocabulary)涉及日常生活中常见的简单词汇,如:- Colors: red, blue,yellow, green- Numbers:one to twenty- Animals: cat, dog, bird, fish- Family members: mother, father, sister, brother
3. 简单句型 (Simple Sentences)掌握基本的句型结构:- What's this/that? It's a/an...- How areyou? I'm fine, thank you.- What's your name? My nameis...
4. 听力理解 (Listening Comprehension)能够听懂教师的简单指令和对话,如:- Stand up, please.- Sit down,please.- Open your book.- Close your book.
1.Listening Section (听力部分25分)- 听音选图 (Picture Selection)- 听句选择正确答案 (Sentence Comprehension)-根据对话选择答案 (DialogueUnderstanding)
2.Vocabulary & Grammar (词汇和语法 30分)-单词拼写 (Word Spelling)例如:br_wn (brown), h_ppy (happy)- 选择正确单词填空 (Word Choice)例如:The skyis _____ (blue/green/red)
3. Reading Comprehension(阅读理解 25分)短文阅读理解,内容多与日常生活相关:This is Tom. He is eightyears old. He likes playing football. He has a dog.The dog's name is Lucky.Questions:1. How old is Tom?2. What does helike?3. What's his dog's name?
4. Writing Section(书写部分 20分)- 临摹单词 (Word Copying)- 完成简单句子 (SentenceCompletion)-看图写句子 (Picture Description)
1.Phonics Practice (自然拼读)- 元音发音规则:a, e, i, o, u-辅音组合:th, sh, ch,ph例句练习:- Thisis a thin thread.- Shesells shells.
2. Daily Conversations (日常对话)基础交际用语:A: How's the weather today?B: It'ssunny/rainy/cloudy.A:What time is it?B: It's seven o'clock.
3. Theme-based Vocabulary (主题词汇)-School Items: pencil, eraser, ruler, book- Food and Drinks: apple,banana, milk, water- Hobbies: swimming, running, reading, singing- Weather: sunny, rainy, windy, cloudy
4. Grammar Points (语法要点)-be动词的使用:am, is, are- 一般现在时- 简单的疑问句和否定句Example:-He is a student.- Shelikes apples.- Do you like bananas?
1. OralPractice (口语练习)常见问答:- What's your favorite color? My favorite color is...- How manypeople are there in your family? Thereare...- Canyou speak English? Yes, Ican./No, I can't.
2. Word Formation (词汇构建)- 复数形式:book-books, box-boxes- 反义词:big-small, tall-short- 同类词:apple, orange, banana (fruits)
3. SentencePatterns (句型操练)基础句型:- This/That is...- These/Those are...- I have/He has...- Thereis/There are...
4. Cultural Knowledge (文化知识)- 英语国家的节日:Christmas, Halloween- 简单的童谣和歌曲:Twinkle, twinkle, little star,How I wonder what you are.
5. PracticalEnglish (实用英语)-课堂用语:May I comein? May I go to the toilet?-礼貌用语:Thank you,You're welcome, Excuse me- 日常指令:Turnto page 5, Read after me
1. Listening Test (听力测试30分)- 听音选择正确图片 (10分)-听对话选择答案 (10分)- 听指令做动作 (10分)例如:Listen and choose: Which isMary's schoolbag?Follow the instructions: Touch your nose/head/shoulders
2. Reading & Writing (读写测试 40分)-单词拼写 (10分)- 句子填空 (15分)-阅读理解(15分)示例:Fill in the blanks witham/is/are:I ___ a student.You ___ my friend.They ___ teachers.
3. Comprehensive Test (综合测试 30分)- 看图说话 (10分)- 完形填空 (10分)-简单翻译 (10分)例如:Look at the picture and make sentences.This is my classroom.There are many students.
测试要求:1. 时间:45分钟2. 总分:100分3. 及格线:60分4. 优秀线:85分