This article introducesessential cooking vocabulary in English, from basic cooking methodsand ingredients to kitchen tools and food preparation terms. Ithelps learners gain practical language skills f
Cooking Vocabulary in English: Key Terms for Beginners
When learningEnglish, one of the most practical topics is cooking. The kitchen andfood-related vocabularyis essential foreveryday conversation. Inthis article, we’ll introduce youto essential cooking vocabulary. Let’s start with some keyterms:
Cook (烹饪): This verbrefers to preparing food by applying heat. Whether it's boiling, frying, or grilling, you are cooking the food.
Boil (煮): To boilfood means to cook it inwater or another liquidat a hightemperature, typicallyat100°C. Common boiled foods include pasta, eggs,and vegetables.
Fry(炸): Frying is cooking food in hot oil. This method is commonly usedfor foods like chicken, potatoes, and donuts. Thereare two types: deep frying (完全浸泡油中) andpan-frying(平底锅煎炸).
Grill(烤): Grilling meanscooking food ona grill overdirect heat, whichis popular formeats, vegetables, andfish.
Bake (烘焙): Tobake is tocook food inan oven,typically referringto bread, cakes,and pastries.
Learning theseverbs will helpyou understand thedifferent cooking methods and what they are called in English.Each word is used frequently, and they will appearin many cooking recipes or discussions about food.
Essential Cooking Ingredients: English Terms for Everyday Cooking
Knowing theright vocabulary for ingredients is just as important as understandingcooking methods. Here are some essentialingredients you'll often find in recipes:
Flour (面粉): A basic ingredient used inbaking and cooking. Flour is used to make bread,cakes, pasta, and sauces. In English,there are different types of flour like all-purpose flour (通用面粉) and self-raising flour(自发粉).
Salt (盐):Salt isused to enhanceflavor and preservefood.It’sone ofthe mostcommon seasonings usedin cooking around the world.
Sugar (糖): Sugar is used to add sweetness to both sweet andsavory dishes. There are different kinds of sugar,such as granulated sugar (颗粒糖),powdered sugar (糖粉), and brown sugar (红糖).
Oil (油): Cooking oil is a liquidfat used for frying, sautéing, and baking.Common oils include vegetable oil (植物油), oliveoil (橄榄油), andsesame oil (芝麻油).
Butter (黄油):A dairy product that is essential in bakingand frying. It adds richness and flavor to manydishes. Butter is often used in making pastries, cakes, and sauces.
Masteringthe names of these ingredients in English will not onlyhelp you follow recipes but also enhance your ability toshop for groceries andtalk about food.Many recipes use these ingredients in various combinations, sogetting familiar with them will help you navigate different cooking techniques anddishes.
UnderstandingCooking Tools in English: Essential Kitchen Equipment
Inthe kitchen,various tools arerequired to makethe cookingprocess easierand more efficient.Let’s explore some of the most common kitchenequipment and their English terms:
Knife (刀): A knife isone of the most important tools in any kitchen. It’s used for cutting, chopping, and slicing food. Common types of knives include the chef’s knife (厨师刀), paring knife (小刀),and bread knife (面包刀).
Pan (锅): A pan is a flat-bottomed cookware used for frying, sautéing, and simmering. The most common types of pans are frying pan(煎锅), saucepan (平底锅),and wok (炒锅).
Pot (锅):A pot is typically used for boiling or simmering liquids. Youmight hear terms like soup pot (汤锅) or pressurecooker (高压锅).
Oven (烤箱): An oven is a large appliance used forbaking, roasting, and grilling.Many dishes, such as bread, cakes, and meats, are cooked in the oven.
Spatula (刮刀): A spatula is used forflipping food,stirring ingredients,and scraping thesides ofbowls.There are differenttypes of spatulas like rubberspatulas (橡胶刮刀)and metal spatulas (金属刮刀).
Learning the names of these kitchen tools will makeit much easier for you to follow cooking instructions in Englishand understand recipes. Each tool plays a unique role inthe cooking process, and recognizing them by name will increase yourkitchen confidence.
Common Cooking Techniques in English: Understanding How toCook
Beyond thevocabulary of ingredients and tools, it’s essential to knowthe various cooking techniques that are used around the world. Inthis article, we’ll explain some of the most commonmethods:
Roast (烘烤): Roasting isa dry-heat cooking method, typically used for meats, vegetables, and nuts. The food is cookedin an oven at high heat, which gives it acrispy outer layer. Roasted chicken (烤鸡) and roasted potatoes (烤土豆) are popular examples.
Simmer (慢煮): Simmering involves cooking food in liquid at a low temperaturejust below boiling. It’s used for dishes like soups, stews, and sauces.
Steam (蒸):Steaming is a healthy cooking method that involves cookingfood by placing it above boiling water, allowing the steamto cook the food. Common steamed foods include dumplings(饺子) and vegetables (蔬菜).
Sauté(翻炒): Sautéing is a quick cookingmethod that uses a small amount of fat in ahot pan. The food is cooked quickly, often stirredor tossed in the pan. Common sautéed dishes includestir-fries (炒菜).
Braise (炖): Braising involves cooking food slowlyin a small amount of liquid. Thefood is usually browned first, then simmered forhours to tenderize. Dishes like braised beef(炖牛肉) are prepared this way.
These cooking techniques will help you understand the methods behind differentdishes. Each techniquerequires different toolsand ingredients,and knowing howto apply themis key to makingdelicious meals.
FoodPreparation Terms in English: From Chopping to Garnishing
In addition to the cookingmethods, knowing the right food preparation terminology is crucialin understanding how dishes are made. Here are someessential food prep terms:
Chop (切): Choppingrefers to cuttingfood into smallpieces, often usinga knife.You can chopvegetables (切蔬菜) or meat (切肉).The pieces can vary in size depending on the recipe.
Slice (切片): Slicing is cutting food into thin pieces.For example, you might slice bread (切面包)or tomatoes (切番茄).
Dice (切丁): Dicing means cutting food into small, uniformcubes. Diced onions (切洋葱丁) and diced potatoes (切土豆丁) are common ingredients in recipes.
Peel (剥皮): Peeling refers to removingthe outer skin or layer of a fruit or vegetable. Commonitems to peel include apples (剥苹果皮) andcarrots (剥胡萝卜皮).
Garnish (装饰): Garnishing is the process of decorating a dish withadditional ingredients to enhance its appearance and flavor.Common garnishes include parsley (欧芹), lemon slices (柠檬片), andgrated cheese (磨碎的奶酪).
Understanding these food preparation terms will make youa more efficient cook. They are usedin nearly every recipe, and mastering them will allow you tofollow instructions with ease and prepare dishes like a pro.